Why a worst balance bike is better than one tricycle bike?

Riding a bicycle from the very young age is essential for every child since it helps to make them become more active and flexible in dealing with various challenges. However, there are still lots of concerns that parents have to face up when mentioning about this outdoor sport. Especially, they are still confused about picking the balance bike or one tricycle for their children.

Actually, there is one sentence which can reveal all the meaning for this question. Purchasing one worst balance bike somehow is considered as the better decision as if you have bought the tricycle for those little babies. It sounds a little bit nonsense; however, this post will help you to understand more about this sentence, and also the reason why balance bike is more beneficial compared to other models of vehicle.


Balance bike and Tricycle – Which to choose?

When mentioning about those two types of vehicles, they obviously have lots of similarities when you make the comparison. Therefore, having to make a decision between both two may become the most challenging problem for individuals.

Take a deeper look, there are parents who promise they will always choose the tricycle for their children thanks to the safety features. Others want to take a try on new and modern innovations of design. However, tricycle has become very popular in America for years. Persuading people to purchase the balance bike for their love ones would be considered as the hard work.

With the new and innovative balance bike, it tends to make people confuse when they want to pick one bike for their child. Commonly, parents start to ask themselves: “Should those tricycles be replaced with the cool balance bike?”. To help you understand why people should pick up the balance bike, we will show some cool elements that you can consider.

1. The self-ability

With the different type of vehicle, people can also learn the particular ability for their long term development.  For instance, riding the balance bike provides various skills including:

  • Enhance the coordination and combination between different movements during the ride
  • Encouraging the child from early age will bring lots of benefits

2. The child can do all the work without the help of parents


Compare to riding the tricycle, balance bike gives the child more space to play. For small children, doing all the task with one complexity and huge thing is absolutely hard, especially the tricycle. And when parents tend to help their child day by day, it will limit the development of ability for long term process.

3. The position for seating

When getting familiar with the tricycle, people will understand there are two basic positions that their kid can apply including the straight forward and recumbent style. To illustrate, the recumbent style means that your kid has to lean a little bit on the bike to pedal. For some parents, they think that letting the child riding tricycle in recumbent style is better than others.

  1. There is one fact individuals cannot deny is that tricycle allows individuals to spread their weight throughoutly on the bike. In contrast, the balance bike still remains its upright design.
  1. With this design, individuals can find it easy to use the feet for pedaling when riding the bike. As a result, they are less likely to fall off the ground which can lead to unexpected problems.
  1. For balance bike, the kids can overcome the challenges when they have to make various turns during the riding process. In addition, individuals do not need the support from the team or parents as well.
  1. While the tricycle allows you to distribute overall weight which helps to ride more stably, the balance bike focuses on protecting the improvement of the body. By sitting straight forward, your bone system will develop effectively.

Safety features

For most parents, they choose to pick up the bicycle with the aim to limit the times their kids falling off the ground. Actually, parents should let kids falling off during the riding process. Through these challenges and difficulties, the children will learn their own lesson as well as understand the right method for combining their body’s parts.


Tricycle bike:as mentioned above, tricycle allows individuals to distribute their weight throughout the vehicle so that individuals can limit the times they falling off the ground. However, when individuals find it hard to change the side of riding, they can end up sitting on the ground with their body hurt.

Balance bike:Different from the tricycle, young kids have been practiced balancing and coordinating their parts from the beginning. Therefore, they are less likely to come up with different problems once they have become familiar.

On the other hand, for most kids who love to ride on the pavement, balance bike is considered to the ideal choice among those models. In case when the pavement is full of gravel or rock, then the children can plant both of their legs on the ground to stabilize.

The balancing feature

In fact, both the tricycle and balance offer individuals the change to overcome objects and control the directions during the riding process. For the balance bike, it is designed as the usual bicycle. Therefore, the child will find it easier to manage and become more confident in the future.

Generally, hopefully now you can understand why one choosing the balance bike is better than owning one best tricycle. When getting familiar with this type of vehicle, your kids will receive lots of benefits, for both their body and personal emotion. Therefore, don’t hesitate to pick up one balance bike for your kids to encourage them to practice regularly.

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