Why balance bikes are better than the training wheels?

To learn cycling is very important for the children. Researchers say that the children who learn cycling at their early age generally become mentally and physically healthy. There are several types of bikes for the training of the children before they start pedal bikes. Balance bikes and training wheels are two of the common options for the children to learn cycling. But several features of the balance bikes make it a better option between the two.

Balance bikes provide more safety

Well, if you are choosing the training bikes for the children then safety will be your primary consideration. It is an obvious fact that balance bikes are safer than the training wheels.

  • Training wheels are very slow, awkward to look at and on uneven ground are prone to accident.
  • One thing more- in training wheels children give their much focus on pedaling rather than balancing. As a result of that the learning process of balancing the bike becomes slow. On the other hand the balance bikes are different.
  • While children ride on the balance bikes they have to concentrate on the balance rather than peddling. As a result of that they can easily handle unforeseen balance problems and that’s why the probability of accident becomes less.
  • Once a child learns to ride a balance bike well he or she becomes prepared enough to ride on the standard bikes but the same thing cannot be told for the training wheels.
  • As a result of that the training period for the children becomes shorter and the number of necessary falls during the training period also becomes fewer.

Balance bikes are more budget friendly

There is a misconception that balance bikes are very expensive. But If you consider the total spending of the learning bikes then you will understand that balance bikes are far more budget friendly than the training wheels. Only one balance bike actually does the duty of a 12” training wheel and a tricycle.

So, the training wheels may be low price product but with tricycle in addition it becomes more expensive than the balance bikes. Thus balance bike is the smart solution for you.

Balance bikes are far simpler than the training wheels

Well, balance bikes are for the children. Complex things naturally do not inspire the children. The structure of most training wheels is complex. So the children find difficulties when they ride training wheels.

On the other hand balance bikes are much more user friendly and smart. In most cases complex structures and unnecessary machineries are avoided in balance bikes. So, when there is a comparison between balance bikes and training wheels balance bike will certainly be ahead.

Children can learn cycling faster by using balance bikes than the training wheels

It is observed that the children learn  faster by using balance bikes. Balance bikes help the children to learn how to balance a bike. This is the most important thing of cycling. If a child knows balancing then pedal biking automatically becomes a piece of cake for him or her. As a result of this children who use balance bikes can learn riding pedal bikes even in their 3 years of age.

On the other hand learning cycling by using training wheels is a longer process. First the main concentration of training wheel is not balancing but pedaling which is a wrong process. The main focus should be to learn balancing. As a result of this when children start riding on standard bikes after using training wheels they face several difficulties.

Basically they find difficulty on balancing. While by using balance bikes your child can ride on standard bikes in his or her 3 years of age, by using training wheels your child may be able to ride on standard bike at his age of 5 or 6. So this is evident that balance bikes are more profitable than the training wheels.

Balance bikes are travelling friendly

Well, balance bikes are very much easy to carry while travelling. Balance bikes are generally light weighted and easy to carry. On the other hand training wheels are heavier and they are not at all as comfortable to carry as balance bikes. As a result of that when you are travelling a training wheel becomes a burden for you. On the other hand a balance bike becomes a friend while travelling.

From the above discussion it becomes clear that Balance bike is a wise choice. In comparison to training wheels it is much more user friendly. Balance bikes are more economical, smart, target oriented and safer. Balance bikes can make children more confident in themselves and they find just a smaller version of the standard bike. As a result of that riding standard bike becomes a matter of fun for them. So, it is wiser to choose balance bikes than training wheels.

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