Best Electric Scooter For Kids on Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2016

Among various vehicles in the market, the electric scooter is suggested to offer safety and convenience for individuals, especially your children. At the early age, parents often show their children how to run one electric scooter regularly. By practicing this type of outdoor activity, young children can strengthen their health as well as improve the physique appearance. Therefore, having one of the best electric scooter for kids on Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2016 is one thing that parents should keep in mind.

In the market today, the electric scooter comes in a wide range of designs and style to fulfill the needs of individuals. When parents choose to pick this vehicle from the well-known brand, the electric scooter will accumulate the high-quality goes along with catchy design. The children will feel more interesting and exciting when riding their favorite scooter.

Top Best Electric Scooter For Kids – Comparison Table

There’re top rated electric scooter for kids on Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2016. With detail reviews, we’ll help you choose the best electric scooter for your kids.

1. Razor E100 Electric Scooter 

Among Razor Electric Scooter on the market, this is the best choice for your kids. Offer a wide range of colors and prices, customers now can feel free to consider when they want to pick up one electric scooter for their children. Designed with an ultra-quiet chain-driven motor, individuals can just start using their vehicle in just one kick.

When you want to wander round the neighborhood, just starts the speed for roughly 10 MPH. With those electric scooters, users can spend time charging for the next time using. To illustrate, the charging time just takes for approximately 12 hours. However, for lots of devices, including the charging time is also the good and effective method.


  • Made from the high-quality rubber which offer the features filling by air that lead to long durability
  • The materials are fork and steel for designing the frame. As a result, it will be easier to get on/ off the device.
  • When purchasing the best scooter for kids, there will be one battery charger goes along with the vehicle.


  • This model will be perfect when it has the locks and lights for informing the obstacles or other aspects.
  • Taller kids will find it hard to ride this model.

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2. Razor Pocket Mod Miniature Euro Electric Scooter

Among those  best electric scooter for kids, this model is considered to be one of the best vehicles which received lots of positive compliments from individuals. Razor is one brand which offers some best and Euro-style electric scooter for individuals.

When mentioning about the performance, your children can be able to ride up to 15 miles an hour but still remain the quiet atmosphere for surrounding people. In addition, there are also useful features which make this model stand out among other including one paddle-seat, built in battery or even the retractable kickstand.

With this Razor Pocket Mod, it is suitable for child who up to 12 years old. And don’t worry about the weight since it can bear a maximum of 150 pounds. The battery lasts quite a while! An hour may not sound like a lot of time. However, if it’s not continuous, it can last hours. It charges quickly and easily, and it’s small and fits well in the side of the garage.


  • Offer a maximum weight for 150 pounds
  • The appearance brings the elegant and luxurious outlook
  • Fit perfectly to lots of children


  • In some cases, the battery will not function effectively

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3. Razor E200 Electric Scooter

The first advantage when mentioning about this bike was is that it can be slow down when riding on rough terrains. As other models, this best electric scooter comes with accessories such as the charger and necessary tools. This vehicle allows small children to ride up to 40 minutes continuously. However, it also depends on the condition as well as the maintenance of parents.


  • Offer the quiet atmosphere which is not annoying your neighbors or members in the family.
  • The long and durable battery to secure the time for riding
  • This electric scooter comes along with battery charger and other necessary tools.
  • Offer a wide range of colors for customers to pick up
  • Can support individuals whose weight go up to 200 pounds.


  • Does not have the lighting features so your kids cannot ride at nights
  • People will find it hard to adjust the handlebar.

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4. Razor E300 Electric Scooter – Matte Gray

Nothing better than riding around your neighborhood with the best electric scooter produced by Razor. Designed with the ultra-quiet motor, your children won’t disturb the neighbors who live next door. For children who love to experience the average speed, you can ride up to 15 MPH in such a long period.

On the other hand, there are lots of advantages for this model. For instance, it offers a long lasted rechargeable goes along with the seal battery system.


  • Offer an ultra-quiet chain driven motor
  • The performance is very high which can go up to 15 MPH
  • Equipped with one green light for announcing the charging process


  • Customers will find it hard to check the pressure of their rear tire
  • The power is very limited and the motor is more likely to get hot sometimes.

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5. Razor E300S Seated Electric Scooter

The scooter is very well built with high performance that can go up to 15 MPH. To illustrate, the basic components such as frame, wheels, fork and handlebars are almost indestructible. At this age, children may still not have the awareness of protecting their toys or other things, having one best electric scooter with high quality is a good idea.

Of course, the controls are somewhat vulnerable, but they are about as tough as bicycle parts, and should last indefinitely if not abused. With this model, users can have chances to try the operated rear brake. On the other hand, the seat is easy to be removed, which is very convenient in some cases.


  • Includes two 12-volt sealed lead acid batteries, battery charger and tools
  • Up to 45 minutes of continuous riding per charge
  • Super-sized deck and frame, especially the removable for riders of almost all sizes


  • Some users find that it creates lots of noise when setting at the beginning
  • Twist-grip throttle is on/off, it does not allow various speed

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6. Razor E200S Seated Electric Scooter

As other models in the market, this electric scooter offers the ultra-quiet motor which does not make surrounding people feel annoyed at all. However, the performance of this motor just can function for roughly 12 MPH in term of speed.

On the other hand, when buying this  razor electric scooter, individuals will receive the battery charger and other tools go along with this model.


  • Soft rubber grips
  • Retractable kickstand
  • 24V (two 12V) sealed lead acid rechargeable battery system


  • The darn chain is constantly falling off.

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Advantages of an Electric Scooter for kids

The electric scooter is one type of transportation which is preferred by children who live around the world. In fact, riding one electric scooter is safer than riding the traditional bike or sliding on the rollerblading. For parents who have not bought one electric scooter for their children, it may because they haven’t known about the benefits that this type of vehicle can bring to you.

Let’s take a glance at some advantages below:

1. All the parts can be replaced easily

After using for such a long time, lots of devices are more likely to get broken which require users to apply the maintenance process for their scooter. However, with this type of vehicle, these little parts can be replaced in the easiest method.

For instance, parts including the belts and batteries can be fixed and replaced with something new. As a result, it can be used for such a long period of time in the future. When having one electric scooter for kids passed from this generation to another, parents can encourage children and other young individuals to participate in this outdoor activity more often.

2. Offer the durability and convenience

Although people also need to replace some parts after using for such a long time, the compartments of this vehicle are very durable through the time being. In addition, they are ready to function whenever you want. For those children who often love to ride at an instant time, pick up the best electric scooter for kids 2016 will allow them to ride whenever they want.

In term of the engine, individuals can feel free when using the electric scooter. They are including:

  • The Best electric scooter offers the safety and convenience when setting the vehicle.
  • With the development of technology, some models are equipped with the power which can turn off automatically. In some circumstances, the power tends to shut off to protect children from unexpected problems.
  • The electric scooter is functioned by the power of batteries. Unlike gas or other fuels, battery is less likely to cause powerful accidents.

3. Encourage your kids to be active

On the street, there are many types of transportation. Nowadays, parents often choose to take their children to school on car or by bus, this will protect the child totally and save the time as well. However, it is suggested that parents should encourage their children to take their electric scooter when the school is near their house.

When having one of the best electric scooter for kids, individuals can also teach the child about the function and designs of these vehicles. The children will not only improve the physical health but enhance the awareness about other things in their life.

How to Buy a Best Electric Scooter for your kids?

In the market today, electric scooter comes in a wide range of designs and performances to fulfill the needs of individuals. With the development of technology, these features are being developed to satisfy the needs more and more. Therefore, parents often choose to pick up one of the best electric scooter for kids to play in the spare time. Therefore, knowing how to pick up this vehicle is not easy. You have to keep in mind lots of things such as the weight, price, noise and the productivity of its motor.

1. Types of electric scooter

Before purchasing this type of vehicle, parents should ask themselves and their child one question: “What is the purpose of purchasing this scooter at this time?” There are many reasons including going for daily activities, kids having fun with their children or even some kids are being trained to be the professional racer. Based on these purposes, the reasons of buying one electric scooter will be different depends on each individual. There are 7 basic types of electric scooter including:

  1. Electric Motorcycles: They are the full-fledged device that functions by electricity sources. With motor racing experts, this type of vehicle is suitable since the motor can function up to 100 MPH.
  2. Electric Kick Scooters: Nowadays, this type if favored by lots of parents and children. They are safe with average speed. As a result, their child can feel comfortable and relaxing when riding on this electric scooter as well.
  3. Electric Mobility Scooters: Maybe each people will choose one model that best suits themselves. In addition, this electric mobility scooters also offer lots of advantages.
  4. Electric Bicycles (Bikes): This type is very popular towards many people nowadays. You can use this for moving from places to others. Moreover, people will receive lots of health benefits from this type of vehicle.
  5. Electric Wheelchair: For people who are suffering from physical disability, this one is suitable for them in some cases. Just sit on and they can move safely and conveniently with the vehicle.
  6. Electric Go-Kart: For those who love explore the outdoor environment, this type of electric scooter will add up the joy and excitements during the trip.
  7. Electric Tricycle: Function the speed up to 20 miles, therefore, people can feel free to utilize this type of going to work or in various situations.

2. Speed (miles/ hours)

For those who may not pay attention, the speed plays an important role when you decide to buy one of the best electric scooter for kids. Just choose the suitable speed with different purposes for your children or even other members.

3. Range

As important as the speed, range varies based on the type of vehicle you intend to use as well. When mentioning about the range, it is the basic distance that individuals can utilize their vehicles for traveling without having to worry about the recharge. To illustrate, one basic electric scooter can offer you a range from 10 – 15 MPH.

4. Maximum weight:

In fact, nowadays electric scooter is suitable for adults as well as children. Actually, when purchasing for kids, parents can forget about this matter. But if this is for adult, you should consider checking the weight carefully. As a result, it will not have any unexpected problems during the riding process.

5. Battery backup (Time):

As mentioned above, the electric scooter functions based on a charge battery capacity. To illustrate, it often lasts for approximately 1 hour depends on the type of vehicle you intend to pick.

6. Price

Nowadays, this type of vehicle obviously offers a wide range of price for individuals to consider. If you have lots of money, it is very good to invest in a best electric scooter for kids on Black Friday and Cyber Monday produced from a well-known brand. However, for those who cannot afford the price, pick up the normal one is great additionally. However, parents should remember to check the advantages and features that the scooter can offer to their children. Obviously, the quality is important than the brands or other matters.

Teach Your Kids How to Ride an Electric Scooter Safely

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Things to remember when using the kids electric scooter

There are some notes that children as well as adults should keep in mind when using the scooter.

  • Read the manual instruction carefully before setting up the electric scooter. You will find some tips for maintenance, replace the tires or even riding that can limit the risk of causing serious problems.
  • Try to ride the scooter on your own. Do not bring other people along. The reason for this is that individuals somehow will lose control which lead to dangerous accident.
  • Obey the laws when riding on the street. Remember that besides your scooter, there are still lots of transportations are moving on the street. Obey the rule means that you protect your health as well as others.
  • Wear different safety equipment. They include helmet, hand or knee protection.


Overall, when having one of the best electric scooter for kids on Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2016, it will stimulate your children to go out and have some fun day by day. This will bring benefits for the child as they can improve their health. Moreover, members in the family are now having more chances to spend time with each other. In this article, we also offer lots of models for individuals to consider. Just read the features, advantages and weakness of these vehicles and make a comparison for them. On the other hand, just keep in mind some tips and features which have been mentioned above for securing your riding process.

1 Comment

  1. Well i have an e300, and i would never take it flying. Its very heavy, and folds about as well as a brick. It would be soo much better to just get a good quality folding bike, because an e300 is just so clunky and hard to transport.

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