How to teach children protect themselves?

Throughout the years, the school has taught children about the practice and theory knowledge, even the safety when participating in events or other things during your life. However, nowadays most schools are required to show students about the most effective way to protect themselves, such as personal safety skills. With those skills, young individuals can identify the dangerous situations and find the best methods to deal with them appropriately.

Based on the research of scientist, parents are the one who can protect children, and they can teach them about those personal safety skills. They can give out the examples, manage or just encourage them to get better. In this article, we will provide the way and detail solution for individuals to deal with the different dangerous situation during the life.

Teaching without scaring

Commonly, young individuals have the risk of taking accidents when playing in the house, when traveling or even just being abused in their studying environment. Therefore, those personal safety skills are the main keys which help individuals protect themselves effectively.

Besides being bullied by friends, parents and teacher need to know kids can be endangered with a stranger or some high-intensity activities that they took part in. As a result, it is better to form a great gap for individuals with someone they know or one stranger that they have not met before.

  • To understand the child, it is better that parents are confidential and listen to questions of young individuals. Make them worry about anything which is different, so individuals can know to avoid better.
  • Children need to understand all the safety rule when staying alone without the help of parents. For example, they need to know how to swim when staying near the pool or the location of the family when going camping in the local park.
  • To boost the confidence and bravery of individuals, parents need to encourage the child to put all their effort or increase the level of trying into different stages .

Knowing the way when taking with stranger

Apart from the safety tips for the natural environment, “dangerous stranger” is the one which requires parents to pay more effort when protecting their children, especially the young teenagers. According to the scientist, it is better that parents teach the child some methods for maintaining safety rather just mention about the dangerous drawbacks and situations.

For parents who have brave kids, you can tell them to be brave when communicating with people, especially strangers they have not met before. You can take the example as one particular person in the local park or the neighborhood.

Avoid being invaded by the body

Towards young generation, especially girls, they often get invaded by strangers on their skins, face or just the hair. In this situation, parents should let the kids know that strangers do not have the right to touch any parts of their body.

Actually, there are many ways parents can help the child avoid getting in this situation:

  • In Young individuals should not stay in quiet places with less people. It can create the chances for strangers to touch and even kidnap them if they have already had a plan.
  • The child can shout out loud when meeting someone they feel uncomfortable or create the dangerous atmosphere towards them.
  • Teach young individuals to put their trust on the one whom they meet every day or people who are living near the house. Since individuals have met each other regularly, they will form the human being in protecting and securing the young children.
  • Apart from those things above, the child needs to know which places are safe for them to play. By this habit, it would be better to lessen the dangerous areas which contain lots of people who are waiting to hurt or kidnap your children.

Solving when getting lost in strange place

With the high needs for entertainment and getting to know more people, children tend to go outside to make friends or play in public places; for instance, the shopping mall or playground near your house. And if your child is too small to develop the mind for remembering the ways back home, then parents need to teach them something to solve this out.

  • First, it is necessary to teach them to communicate with staff or people who have the responsibility in those places. Commonly, staffs in the public area often appear with uniform and label with their names on it.
  • Second, knowing to ask for the way back home is very important. You can indicate some safe places that your child can get to when getting lost in a strange place, such as the police office or some convenient stores.

Protecting themselves when staying at home alone

According to research, children are often kidnapped when staying at home alone without the protection of parents. Therefore, there are three main ways you can teach one child to deal with problems when staying alone.

  1. If there is someone knocking at the doors and your kids realize that it’s not someone they have known, teach them to call the parents immediately. At this moment, the kids are not allowed to open the door or talk to the person staying outside.
  1. In case when this person is not stranger, they should consider calling their parents for ensuring the safety
  1. As we mentioned that the child should call their parents, they need to learn some important numbers in case there is something happens at home.

Based on the researches of some scientists or world health organization, the number of children who have to take treatment from hospital accounts very high. Commonly, they often happen when children are playing without the protection or caring of their parents. From those suggestions above, we hope parents can have more information in solving or teaching their child to protect themselves.

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