Strider 12 Sport No-Pedal Balance Bike Reviews

Strider 12 Sport No-Pedal Balance Bike
  • Editor Rating

  • Rated 5 stars
  • Spectacular

  • Quality
    Editor: 98%
  • Design
    Editor: 100%
  • Price
    Editor: 95%

Review Summary:

Strider 12 Sport No-Pedal Balance Bike is a must have for your kids. With its 12 inch unique mid-level model and top of the class features, this bike gives your kids a safe riding experience filled with joy. Give your little ones a helmet and a pair of gloves and let them have an adventure of their own on this great balance bike.


If you are looking for the perfect bike for your kids then Strider 12 Sport No-Pedal Balance Bike is what you need. With this bike, Strider reassures its mission statement of developing bikes that boost your kid’s confidence using state of the art design and features.

Ryan McFarland (Founder of Strider) believes that this bike has the potential to have everything that you could possibly look for in your kids’ bike.

This balance bike is one of the three kinds of Strider 12 No-Pedal Balance Bike. It is quite similar to its ancestor ST-4 with slight changes in appearance and the seat post.

For your convenience, in this review we have put together the features, pros and cons of this balance bike. This will help you in making the right choice of the bike you want for your kids.

Great Features of Strider 12 Sport No-Pedal Balance Bike

  • Handlebar -This bike includes many new and unique features starting with its 12.7mm steel handlebar that helps in giving your kids a better control over the bike. To keep your kids’ hands safe, this handle is covered in small sized grips.
  • Wheels – One of the features that make this bike is one of the lightest is its wheels. The wheels are five-spoke exclusively designed by Strider with high quality bearings.
  • Tires – This Bike includes EVA polymer tires that are durable, light in weight and do not require any maintenance.
  • Seats are made from a durable material and are positioned in such a way that your little boy/girl sits comfortably throughout the ride. For kids over the age of 3 years, Strider 12 Sport comes with an extra-longseat post and a padded seat.
  • Brake mounts are of high quality, unique and adjustable for your kids with ages varying from 18 months to over 3 years. These brake mounts help your kids in order to easily stop his bike using his feet.
  • Footrest is placed in a very natural manner that assists your kids in maintaining his balance during a ride. It is installed within the frame of the bike.

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Benefits to Customers when using this product

There are a number of benefits to parents as well as kids who buy this great balance bike. Some of these are listed below:

  • It is one of the safest and the most balanced bike available in town for your kid so you as a parent don’t have to worry about the safety of your kids when they are out riding this bike.
  • Strider 12 Sport No-pedal balance bike is made for kids with age ranging from 18 months to 5 years which makes this bike a good investment for your kids as it can be used for quite some time.
  • It comes in a variety of colors so you have a lot of options to choose from.

How a kid can start training with a Strider Bike? Now, watching this video:

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Pros and Cons of Product

In this section, we will provide you with the pros and cons given to Strider 12 Sport No-pedal Balance Bike by the parents who have bought this product for their kids.

These pros and cons will help you in knowing what to expect from this bike.


  • Strider 12 Sport No-pedal balance bike is one of the most famous bikes out there that is the most talked about and recommended by the parents.
  • It has a convenient size suitable for little kids as it comes with a dual seating option with a bigger as well as a smaller seat.
  • This bike is so light in weight as compared to its competitors that even your little angel can pick it up easily
  • The overall built up and frame of the bike is strong and long lasting
  • As advertised, this bike is able to boost the confidence of your kids with its balanced design and greater control for your kids in every terrain
  • This balance bike will stay as good as new till your toddler grows up that is it is a long-lasting bike


As per the reviews given by the parents, there are no pronounced drawbacks associated with this bike. For some users, its price is a bit of an issue. Otherwise, this bike performs the function that Strider claims.

Who should buy this Bike?

Strider 12 Sport No-Pedal Balance Bike can be bought by the parents whose kids are 18 months up till 5 years of age.

If you have just started training your kids and you want this whole process to go by safely without developing any kind of fear in your kids, then Strider 12 Sport should be your purchase.

It is most suitable for parents who are looking for a more flexible ride for their kids with adjustment options for seat and handlebar.

Also, if your kids are growing up and you want to enhance or polish their bike riding skills then this bike should surely be your purchase.

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Some of tips for you when using this product

  • Although this bike is quite safe for your kids, you should never forget a few things before telling your kids to go on a ride on the bike.
  • First and the most important thing is to buy a helmet for your kids and train him/her to wear it whenever he/she ride their bike. Helmet will give your kids extra protection.
  • Secondly, you should never leave your toddler unattended while he/she rides the bike so that in case of any problem you would be there to help him/her out.
  • Finally, you should appreciate your kids and encourage him/her to ride the bike more often, this way you boost his/her confidence.


Being one of the finest bikes in town, Strider 12 Sport No-Pedal Balance Bike will be the right choice for your kids. It will surely not disappoint you.

In our review we have tried to provide as much insight regarding this bike as we can. We hope that now you will be able to make your decision wisely. Wishing you a happy bike riding experience with your little ones and their Strider Balance Bike.

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