Strider 12 classic no-pedal balance bike

Strider 12 Classic No-Pedal Balance Bike
  • Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Outstanding

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    Editor: 96%
  • Design
    Editor: 99%
  • Price
    Editor: 92%


If you are looking for a classic bike for your beginner rider, then Strider 12 classic no-pedal balance bike offers a great deal of features which would definitely force you to select them. Many customers have said that it is a love at first sight balance bike for their young kid who is still learning to ride her first bike. If your 18 months baby wants to ride and balance a 2 wheeler, focus on fundamental motion skills, without using pedals, or any complicated training sessions, then you should definitely read more. You must read out this complete review to know what fascinating features the product offers its young customers.

Outstanding features every customer should be aware

Strider 12 Classic no-pedal balance bike show a great way of learning to the beginner riders who are not yet comfortable with pedaling. The bike helps your kids balance and builds confidence in them by eliminating the fear of falling. You should read on to know more about the pros and cons of this bike in order to help you decide if you can go ahead and buy it for your little ones.

There are definitely many advantages of selecting and riding this bike because of which it is almost a must to have the bike at least in every other homes these days.

Here are some excellent features you must check out.

  • Lightweight and maintenance free: The bike is the lightest among its series. Hence it is easy to use and ride for the delicate toddlers.
  • Easy adjustments: For growing children this bike lets you make some quick and easy adjustments over the seat and the handle-bar.
  • Handle bars: If you are interested in seeing bikes with customizable handlebars, then this is the best option for you. It also prevents injuries in case your kids falls off from the bike while riding.
  • Seat: The seats are cushioned very well and can be adjusted to suit a 5 years old kid as well. It has a safety pad which lets you ride smoothly and protect when you fall.
  • Cool look: One of the coolest looking features of this bike is that it has a customizable handle which has a number plate

Pros and Cons of Strider 12 classic no-pedal balance bike

Considering various reviews online, we have composed a list of pros and cons in order to give you a better idea about what and how this product is. To help understand the difference between the advantages and disadvantages of this classic bike, you must know the below highlights:


  • Excellent bike for toddlers: If you have a toddler at home who does not know how to ride a bike, then you should go for this one.
  • No pedal balance bike: This bike helps your kid to learn how to balance without pedaling. This is a training bike while they learn to ride bigger bikes in future.
  • Wheels: The wheels are made of foam, hence there is no chance of going flat.
  • Replaceable parts: If some of the parts wear out, they can  be easily replaced with new ones as the spare is easily available.
  • Lightweight: As the frames are made of aluminum, they are pretty light weighted and can be handled easily by the toddlers.


  • Pedals: These Strider 12 classic bikes do not come with pedals. Hence, if you have a kid who has already learnt how to bike, will not find it of much use.
  • Seats: The seats are quite hard for soft bums. Your child may sometimes resist sitting on the seat as they are a little hard and uncomfortable.

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Benefits to Customer when using this product

There are a number of benefits to parents as well as kids who buy Strider 12 classic no-pedal balance bike. Read below to know more.

  • This is a great bike for the beginners and helps them to balance even though they are not comfortable pedaling themselves.
  • They are quite inexpensive
  • The seats as well as the handles are very adjustable to a certain height
  • Wheels are easily maintainable

Who is the product meant for?

Do you have kids especially who are toddlers? Then you should think about buying this bike. These bikes are very much suitable for the toddlers who are still learning how to bike. Besides that it comes with no pedal and has mechanisms to learn balancing.

Even though your toddler does not know to ride or balance, then these bikes are best for them because they learn how to balance by trying to ride this bike on their own. Once they learn to balance, then they are good to ride any sophisticated bikes they want.

Learn some tricks and tips when you use the bike

Here are some handy tips and tricks on how Strider 12 classic no-pedal balance bike can be used:

  • If your toddler is not an experienced bike rider, you can let him or her handle to balance by riding this bike.
  • As the kid grows taller, you can easily adjust the handle-bar as well as the seat adjusting to their height.
  • If the child is between 18-36 months, you can use the mini seat. If your child is between 36-60 months, then you can use an additional padding for the extra long seat to make it suitable for sitting.


Whether you have a toddler who knows to ride a bike or not, this Strider 12 classic no-pedal balance bike lets them learn biking all on their own. It lets your kids to explore balancing, pedaling and footworking on their own without your help. This simplified bike eliminates the need for pedaling until your kids learn to balance on their own. So what could be more advantageous than this features for a young toddler?

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