Skuut Wooden Balance Bike

Diggin Active Skuut Wooden Balance Bike
  • Editor Rating

  • Rated 4 stars
  • Excellent

  • Design
    Editor: 98%
  • Quality
    Editor: 96%
  • Price
    Editor: 88%

Review Summary:

The Skuut Wooden Balance Bike is perfect for learning balance, steering, coordination and independence. Suitable for children aged 2 to 5 years old.


Are you looking for a balance bike for your child? Or perhaps you want to gift a balance bike to a loved one. You might have been looking all over retail stores and on the Internet without being able to make up your mind about which one to buy. I hope that by sharing my experience with the Skuut wooden balance bike, you would be better able to make an informed decision about the best balance bike out there.

Great Features of this bike

What makes the Skuut wooden balance bike different from others?

I had conducted an extensive research of the balance bikes market and found that these features differentiated Skuut wooden balance bikes from the others:

  • Feature 1: I found this bike very easy to assemble. I could get it done in 10 minutes flat! If you are concerned about the complicated assembly that is the hallmark of other bikes generally, you don’t have to worry about that for this one.
  • Feature 2: The entirely wooden frame is safe and does not have any spokes or bolts that poke out which could cause bruises or cuts in children. Even when my child had a fall, he was not hurt from the bike.
  • Feature 3: It is lightweight. At just 10.8 pounds, this makes it so much easier to carry around or lift up when needed.

Benefits of customer when using this product

If you are a parent of a child, like me, you would undoubtedly be very meticulous about the safety and comfort of products that you buy for your children. As parents, we do not like to compromise on these for our child. These are the benefits of the Skuut wooden balance bike that I found:

  • It helps children develop the balance they need for riding bigger bikes as they grow older, without the complications of pedals. Once they get the balance they need from this bike, they can effortlessly move onto larger bikes. It would take less time for them to balance on such bikes if they have had experience with the Skuut balance bike.
  • It helped my child develop the control and coordination needed to steer a bike. Having this made him a lot more confident about moving onto a bigger bike.
  • It can carry children of different weights, up to 75 lbs., which makes it perfect for almost all children up to the age of 5.
  • The seat height is adjustable to different heights, making it perfect for children who are as young as 20 months old to a 5 year old.
  • It is entirely made of wood, which makes it more eco-friendly. For every bike sold, the company that make these bikes (Diggin) plants a tree, which is great news if you are environmentally conscious like me.
  • This bike has won numerous awards, including The Oppenheim Gold Seal and Creative Top Toy of the year.
  • The tires and tubes can be easily replaced without any hassles.

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Pros and Cons of Skuut Wooden Balance Bike


  • The Skuut wooden balance bike is very cost effective.
  • It has an aesthetically appealing design which both children and adults find cute.
  • It is perfect for children of different heights and leg lengths because the seat height is adjustable.
  • It helps children learn to balance and steer very quickly.
  • The steering radius is limited, which makes it extra safe for toddlers as there is little chance of them overcorrecting and falling.
  • There are no spokes which can hurt the child if he/she falls.
  • It is durable and lasts for many years. This makes it perfect if you have a second child coming soon or if you want to hand it down to another child.
  • Skuut provides excellent customer service. They are prompt and responsive to emails and phone calls.


I found that there are no cons to the Skuut wooden balance bike other than the fact that heavier or taller children may not be comfortable on this bike due to its specific dimensions.
Also, the inner tubes have valves that are German in design, which is not compatible with the U.S. valves, but there are alternatives to this that can be found in the U.S. without any problems.

Who should buy this bike?

You should consider buying this product if you are the parent of a child who is between 2 and 5 years old. It is the bike for you if you want to transition your child to a bigger bike without going through the hassle of training wheels for your child. If you want to help your child develop balance, coordination, and steering skills even before he gets onto a bigger bike, then this is the bike for you.



Some tips for you when using this product

  • If your child is very young or has shorter legs, you might need to do a special adjustment on the Skuut wooden balance bike to get things going smoothly. All you have to do is flip the frame over by moving the saddle and fork to the other side so that the angle of the head tube and height of the saddle is perfectly low slung for your child’s legs.
  • Make sure that you don’t leave the bike out in the open when it is raining or snowing as this is made of wood.
  • It would be better to store this bike indoors, even if it is sunny outside.
  • It would be wise to avoid using the bike on roads made of gravel as there could be a risk to the tires.


The Skuut wooden balance bike is perfectly designed for children within the age range of 2 to 5 years of age. It helps them develop the coordination and balance required for larger bikes very quickly. This bike is very durable and lasts very long. It is attractive, comfortable, and safe for children.


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