Mini Glider Balance Bike

Mini Glider Balance Bike
  • Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Outstanding

  • Design
    Editor: 96%
  • Quality
    Editor: 98%
  • Price
    Editor: 92%

Review Summary:

The Mini Glider Balance Bike is a lightweight durable kid's balance bike that helps your child to learn the essentials of a two-wheeled bicycle.


Glider bikes have a low to the ground design, making it ideal for 2 – 5 years-old kids. They are created to teach the child how to have good balance when biking. The first prototype of glider bikes was based on the Glides Bikes Patented Slow speed geometry. Thus, glider bikes have a lower center of gravity, providing a slower balancing speed and increased stability to the rider. PVC was used for the first glider bike balance.

The Mini Glider Balance Bike is built with a sturdy frame and has an appealing design that makes it attractive to kids. It is loaded with great features, such as adjustable foot pegs and a handbrake that ensures the user to learn good balance when biking.

Features of the Mini Glider Bike Balance

  • Solid frame – This bike is made of sturdy aluminum frame. It has a 24 x 18 x 36 inches dimension and weighs 9 pounds and a wheel size of 12 inches.
  • Quick release seat adjust – This feature of the Mini Glider allows easy adjustment of the seat height to suit the user’s height without using any tools. The lower seat adjustment height is 12 inches from the ground to the top of the seat.

  • Adjustable handlebar The Mini Glider Balance Bike features adjustable handlebars (back up/down/forward) for correct arm alignment. It is also padded for added comfort.
  • Kick stand – For a fun display, the Glider Balance Bike features a kick stand, providing good support when it is not in use. It helps to pivot to the rear axle, so it can be pushed down under the rear wheel.
  • EVA foam tires – The EVA foam tires of this bike assure your kids of getting no flat tires.
  • Removable foot pegs – The footrest is removable so you can extend or rotate it. Rotating the foot pegs will make them parallel to the bar.
  • Lifetime warranty – The lifetime warranty of the Mini Glider Bike is offered for its frame, rigid fork and original parts against workmanship and materials defects.

Benefits of Customers Using the Product

While the Mini Glider Balance Bike may be a little expensive for a child, it gives your child plenty of benefits, such as:

  • It teaches your child a new skill. Learning a new skill helps your child to work their way to achieve something and be successful. This helps boost your child’s confidence.
  • It offers your kid a new form of exercise that is enjoyable. Learning how to bike changes your kid’s idea of exercise. The excitement offered by biking takes over the idea that exercise cannot be pleasurable. This encourages your child to bike even more, knowing that it is also a form of exercise that is cool and enjoyable.
  • It teaches your child about the rules of the road. Your child learns to watch or pay attention to other vehicles like cars and trucks, even when riding on a sidewalk. It also teaches your child to be courteous on the road and to follow road rules.

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Pros and Cons of Product


  • It is made of premium quality aluminum. The high quality materials of the Mini Glider make it rust and weather resistant. It is also non-toxic, assuring you of your child’s safety.
  • It is light in weight. It weighs only 9 lbs. so it is easy to carry and move around. Your child will not have any difficulty manipulating it. Children can mount, dismount, turn around and even lift the Mini Bike Balance Bike easily.
  • It is easy to assemble. The Mini Glider Balance Bike is easy to assemble. You only need to attach the handle bars and tighten it using the tools that come with the bike, adjust the seat height and your child is ready to use it.
  • It has a 10-inch removable foot peg. This helps your child to learn the correct foot position, making the riding experience easy. It also allows you to easily change it to a pedal bike. Even with 9 inches shoes, your child will feel comfortable with the size of the foot pegs.
  • It has strong, sturdy, no-pump tires. The tires of the Glider Balance Bike offer plenty of traction. It is solid that your child can bike over rough payment without getting flat tires, so there is no need to worry about airing them.
  • It has padded handle bars. The padded handle bars of the Mini Balance Bike serves a good protection, preventing your kid from injuring his


  • Limited use of rear brake
  • Broad rear wheels

Who is this bike Made For?

This product is advised to parents with kids 2 – 5 years old, who want their child to learn how to bike, build confidence and speed.

Some Tips when Using this Product

There is no doubt that riding a bike is fun, but it is important to observe some precautions. These tips will help your child use the Mini Balance Bike better and have a more comfortable cycling experience.

  • Let your child wear a helmet. Purchase a helmet with a sticker, as this states that it meets the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards. Ensure that your child wears the helmet every time he bikes, even for a short time.
  • Let your child wear bright-colored clothes or attach reflectors on the bike. The bright color and reflectors will make your child visible to other people and vehicles, keeping him safe.
  • Let your child know where he is allowed to ride the bike. Set the rules on how far he can go and for how long. If there is a bike path area in your area, advise him to bike there, but tell your child to learn how to share the path with other bike riders.


The Mini Glider Balance Bike is the ideal beginner’s bike, teaching your child to learn how to bike. It teaches your child how to balance correctly and makes him ready to handle a bigger bike size. The good features of this bike are more than enough to cover its not so cheap price.

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