Kazam Classic Balance Bike

Kazam Classic Balance Bike
  • Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Outstanding

  • Design
    Editor: 96%
  • Easy to use
    Editor: 100%
  • Price
    Editor: 94%

Review Summary:

The 12 inch KaZAM Classic Balance Bike is sure to get you and your little ones’ attention. With its no pedal high quality built-in footrest design, your kids learn to balance and enjoy their ride at the same time. The adjustable seat and handle makes it all the more desirable.


Gone are the days when kids attached training wheels with their bikes to learn how to ride one. Today, with revolutionary KaZAM Classic Balance Bike your kids learn faster and with greater ease.

This is one of the top-rated bikes available out there. KaZAM has received a number of laureates and industry recognition awards for the high-quality bikes that it produces.

Up till now, KaZAM has introduced four designs: one that is the classic version, second includes brakes, third and fourth with a modern frame design. Classic model is however the most sold and loved one out there.

In this review, I would like to highlight the important features, the goods and the bad of KaZAM Classic Balance Bike which will guide you regarding its overall performance.

Great Features of this product

  • Starting with the overall body of this bike that is made up of a powder coated 12 inch patented steel frame which ensures a sturdy bike for your kid.
  • KaZAM Balance Bike gives your little one a comfortable ride with its adjustable seat and chrome handlebar that can adjust from 14 to 17.5 inches and 18.75 to 22.5 inches respectively. With the padded hand grips, your kids’ hands remain scratchless.
  • It includes a patented footrest within the steel frame that helps your kid in balancing and riding the bike easily. One easy step is required to place the feet on the footrest.
  • This bike has rubber tires that are 12 inch in height. These tires are air inflated with steel spokes so that your little one enjoys a smooth ride on different terrains.
  • It comes in a variety of colors that are suitable for both boys and girls. So if you want to gift this to your baby girl then you might not have to worry about the availability of her favorite color.
  • Luckily, this bike has a capacity of sustaining 75 pounds of weight so you don’t have to worry about buying a new bike for your growing child for some time. It is available at a price of $99 which is very reasonable as compared to its competitors.

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Benefits to Customers using KaZAM Classic Balance Bike

If you are one of the parents who are asking themselves as to why they should choose this bike over others, here is why you need to buy it:

  • KaZAM Classic Balance Bike is patented unique footrest helps your kid in acquiring the proper balancing and riding skills that mimic a regular bike riding. Training wheels on the other hand, do not develop any such skills.
  • Safe riding experience for your kids is your top priority. With its proper alignment and air inflated tires, this bike ensures safety for your little ones.
  • It is very easy to perform the adjustments on this bike. You actually do not require any tools for adjusting the handlebar and the seat.

Pros and Cons of product

Like every other bike, this bike has its pros and cons that you must be aware of. We have stated below the positives and the negatives of this bike provided by the parents.


  • Itis a very light weight bike so that your kid handles it effortlessly
  • Adjustable seats and handles are truly helpful and fully serve their purpose. Kids love doing the adjustments themselves
  • Kids love this bike as it is safe and they get to balance the bike quite smoothly.
  • It is a long lasting and a high quality bike with a sturdy frame.
  • There are lots of colors to choose from so your kid does not have to settle for the nearest to the best
  • Its 12 inch size is very convenient and comfy for the little ones
  • It is very easy to assemble


As compared to the amount of love kids have for this bike, the cons seem to be negligible. For instance, some people consider it to be a bit above their price range as compared to the bikes from other brands.

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Who this product is best suited for?

KaZAM Balance Bike is for those who are looking for a safe ride for their little ones with little or no chance of any accident or injury.

It should be bought by those who want their children to not only train for bicycle riding but also want them to develop riding skills that could help them in the long run.

If as a parent you want a bike to be an investment that remains for at least 2-3 years then this bike is what you should purchase for your kid.

Parents who want to give their little ones the best gift ever and surprise them should definitely buy KaZAM Classic Balance Bike.

Some of tips for you when using KaZAM Balance Bike

All the following tips help you in ensuring a secure riding experience for your child. To begin with you need to provide your kid with a proper safety gear.

A usual safety gear can be bought from any sports shop near you or online as well and it must include a safety helmet and gloves. Both these equipment assist your child in avoiding injury.

You as a parent should play your role while your kid starts riding a bike. You should teach as well as encourage the little ones and make them confident about what they are doing.

If God forbid, your kid faces an injury you must not let him/her give up their bike riding rather you should support him/her and tell that this a normal part of learning.


After reviewing KaZAM Classic Balance Bike, without any doubt, is that it is one of the finest bikes available out there and that your kid should not miss on it. Now that you know all the required details about this bike, we wish you give it a try. Like other buyers, you will be happy with your decision!

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