Helmets and Safety for Toddlers when riding Balance Bike

Balance bikes are one of the safest rides yet there are a number of safety precautions that parents need to take to ensure that children do not suffer any injuries in case they do fall when they are new to bikes and trying to master balance. It will save the children from skinned knees, grazed elbows or any injury to the head.

Safety helmets- a must

Safety helmets, knee and elbow pads are accessories that your children need in order to be completely safe and to play safely. In fact there are many states that have a children’s helmet law. To ensure your child is safe you also need to enforce the helmet rule on your toddler. Whether your children complain or fuss about using safety gear you must put your foot down. They just need a little getting used to and then they won’t mind all that much.

Get the right sized helmet

Helmets should fit snugly on the head and should not be loose. This will prevent the helmet from moving around. Don’t just buy any helmet but let the child try them out first. Select one that fits around the head and is just above the eyebrow and one inch above the ears. Helmets sold in the market have to meet safety standards so buy a helmet from an authorized retailer. If you get bike gloves elbow and knee pads make sure these also fit the child comfortably and securely.

Bike Size and handles

Balance bikes are safe because children can immediately place their feet on the ground when they feel they are losing balance. Buy a bike that is just the right size for children to be able to place their entire foot on the ground and not just the toes. They should also be able to bend their knees slightly so that they find it easy to push off or to stabilize themselves. Once children learn to balance they begin to speed. They love to race around but make sure that they don’t have freewheeling handles. Handles that limit steering allows them to ride straighter and so it prevents falls when going around corners.

Before the children take out their bike make sure you check the bike to ensure that the seat and handlebar are secure. Tighten the screws and bolts if required so they don’t loosen while the child is riding. The tires should not have any tears or cuts and the foam on the seat must be secure.

Shoes and clothing

Another important safety measure is that your toddlers must all wear proper shoes that enclose the toes and remain secures around the ankles. Flip-flops and sandals with open toes are a big no as they are a big safety risk. No barefoot riding either even if the surface is soft or grassy. As you know children use their feet a lot to stop and start and so the feet must be protected from injury. If children wear bright clothing they will be visible from far so others can avoid them and don’t bump into them by mistake especially in winter when visibility could be poor.


When children first begin to use a balance bike it is a good idea to either let them first practice on a carpeted floor, on grassy surface or on dirt tracks and not on the hard roads or floors. This ensures they have soft falls and don’t get injured. A bad injury could frighten them so much that they might not get back on the bike again. Steep hills also cause problems for many children as they can go careering down in high speed and won’t know how to control their bike or balance on it for that matter. Parks and trails where there is no traffic are more suited for bike rides than busy roads that have traffic.

Help them

Some toddlers hesitate to get on the bike and require adult supervision. Don’t force your child to just push off without first getting a feel of the balance bike for a couple of weeks. There are many children who need to practice how to run and glide before they can be left on their own. If they feel insecure hold onto them lightly at the back so they learn yet know you are there supporting them. Once they are comfortable they will automatically pick up speed and lift their feet off the ground too.

Make them responsible

Teach your toddlers to be responsible by letting them know where they can ride and where not. They must keep out of the way of traffic. They must also not ride near swimming pools, seafronts, lakes or rivers. It is important they keep away from hard ground, floors that could turn slippery or where there is lose gravel.

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