Go Glider Balance Bike

Go Glider Kids Balance Bike
  • Editor Rating

  • Rated 4 stars
  • Excellent

  • Design
    Editor: 96%
  • Quality
    Editor: 100%
  • Price
    Editor: 98%


Teaching kids to ride a bike is an ordeal. I know – I have been through the same trouble, and it gave me not only a figurative headache, but also a literally strained back. Many kids find it overwhelming to learn to balance, pedal and steer simultaneously. So instead of learning to do everything all at once, the Go Glider Balance Bike teaches the child to first steer, and then balance, before learning where the feet should be positioned to start pedaling. It is an age-appropriate tool for learning to bike, and it has excellent features that make its purchase worth its value.

Great Features of Go Glider Kids Balance Bike

What makes the Go Glider Balance Bike the perfect tool for your young cyclist?

For one, it has everything cyclist-in-training needs to get started. It utilizes the slow speed geometry design so children can take better control of the balance bike. Its whole frame is made of steel alloy so it is durable and can withstand great tension. It is light enough for children to carry so you can bring it even when you go on vacation.

  • The handle bar – The handle bar is made with the same steel alloy as the frame, and is wrapped with sturdy rubber so it is both soft and solid, with enough traction to help the child on to it easier. The handle bar is adjustable up to 35 inches. Child hand brake is made for added security.
  • Seats – The saddle is ergonomically designed and is made of padded youth for added comfort. The seat post is adjustable up to 25 inches so it fits even the taller children. Both the post and bolts are made of metal for greater durability, and the quick-release seat clamp does not require special tools for seat height adjustment.
  • Wheels and tires – The composite mag wheels combined with the air tires enables the child to explore various terrains with minimal discomfort. The tire design gives maximum traction so there is minimal chance for slipping even in wet roads.
  • Footrest – This balance bike gives you greater flexibility because its foot pegs are detachable; so your child can glide fully by removing the foot pegs or you can put it on if you want to teach your child to learn the proper foot position for pedaling.

Benefits of Customer Using this Product

For me, one of the most important benefits of this product is that it enabled my child to learn two-wheeling at her own pace. No more whining and hair pulling. The Go Glider Balance Bike was a stress-free alternative to learning to bike, both for my daughter and myself.

Other benefits include the following:

  • It is safer and more practical to balance even on uneven or angular surfaces. Because it does not have a pedal, my daughter could use her foot to propel the balance bike forward and to put it to stop.
  • It is allows children to ride real bikes faster since they will be trained to balance the bike with their own power and coordination. My daughter was ready to transition to a real bike only after three months.
  • It is economical. Because of the effectiveness of the balance bike, parents feel it is a waste of money. But really, this is the exact opposite. With a Go Glider Balance Bike, you can use the same unit for kids 5 to 10 years old.

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Pros and Cons of Go Glider Balance Bike

What are the pros of riding a balance bike? Here are some of them:


  • It is offered in five different colors.
  • It is super light weight.
  • Its hand brakes allows child to explore downhill or even in dirt roads, with greater safety.
  • No need to pump the tires!
  • Requires minimal assembly. Simply install the handle bars, adjust the handle bars and your child is ready to go!


Some parents consider the price a disadvantage, especially since the child will only be using it for a few months, but it all depends on how much you want your child to learn.

Who should buy this product?

Do you have a backache after several days of running alongside your child and his bike, but he hasn’t learned to balance yet? Have you started doubting your own capacity to teach your child to ride a two-wheeler? Are you looking for a fun and stress-free way of teaching your child to bike? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then the Go Glider Balance Bike is for you.

Some Tips for Using the Product

Here are some tips to help you get the most of this product’s benefits:

  • Make sure that the seat is at the right height. Your child should be able to put his feet flat on the ground, with his legs straightly stretched while he is seated.
  • Choose a gentle downhill for your first bike lesson. The keyword here is “gentle” so that the child can take control of the bikes forward motion with ease.
  • Tell your child to lift up his feet a few inches off the ground and coast or scoot along. It is important the child learns to get a feel for balancing so best to avoid the urge to hold on to the bike to steady your child.
  • Repetition is important. Repeat until your child comfortable enough and does not need to put down his foot to stop.


The key to teaching children to bike is really patience, and letting them proceed through the process at their own pace. The Go Glider Balance Bike has provided me with the perfect tool to do just this. And now that my daughter can ride the bicycle, the Go Glider Balance Bike has become the “bike trick trainer”.

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