How to select the proper saddle for your bike?

In the modern era, people often pick up one particular sport for practicing in the spare time. This not only helps strengthen the physical health, but gives individuals chances to release all the stressful thoughts after a hard day of working.

When mentioning about biking, besides practicing in the proper method, it is necessary that individuals prepare high-quality bicycle to support their own ability. Also, the most common question that people often ask is: “How can they pick up the right seat for their bicycle?”. This article will help you answer this problem effectively.

Among various parts in the bicycle, the saddle plays an important role since individuals can experience the comfortable feeling during the riding process. Therefore, it is suggested that individuals should understand about different types of saddle and how to pick up the suitable one.

How to enhance the comfort of your bicycle?

For some cases, people have set their saddle too high which cause the difficulty when riding. To illustrate, they have to make movements to the weight from this side to another side. As a result, it is more likely to cause the serious disease to your sensitive perineal part.

However, manufacturers nowadays also designed the saddle easy for individuals to adjust when necessary. It can be controlled by some parts under the seat. Cyclers just need to loosen or tighten the screw for turning their saddle forward and backward.

For those who have not known, make little changes to your saddle can help individuals release the hard tension during the cycling process. If you find it hard when riding, why don’t try tilting it forward for a little degree?

In addition, the gait when riding a bike also has a huge impact on your physical health. As mentioned above, forcing your body to work so hard on the saddle can easily lead to serious problems happened in the perineum compression.

To help solve the problem, you can keep in mind those tips below:

  1. Let your lower part rest after cycling for roughly 15 minutes
  1. Stand slight in some necessary cases. In addition, utilize your legs for limiting the shock.
  1. In the market nowadays, there are two types of bike including the full-suspension bike (can be used for climbing the mountain) and the suspension seat post (often find in bike which individuals often use for cycling in their spare time or attending events.
  1. Instead of riding a normal bike, you can also ride the recumbent bike
  1. Cycling regularly can help prevent serious disease such as smoking, hypertension or diabetes

And for those who are suffering from other types of health conditions, don’t hesitate to make a consultation with your doctor before participating in one particular sport.

Here are three important factors that every cyclist should consider in detailed when they want to buy a new bicycle.

1. The height of saddle

It can be said this is the most important factor when buying a bike. When purchasing the bike, individuals should pay attention to the comfort as well as the fitness for this type of vehicle. Without these aspects, your bikes will become useless even when they have been equipped with the state of the art technology.

The height of saddle directly influences in the comfortable sitting position when riding, cycling. More important, it has a huge impact on the movements of the knee which can limit unexpected problems.

A saddle which is suitable with body height should ensure the following factors:

  • Heel are placed at the lowest position of the pedal
  • The toe must touch the ground in the straight posture of individuals
  • Depending on the purpose of the riding process, you can adjust saddle and sitting posture in the suitable method. For example, when functioning the high-speed racing, the posture should be in the form of steam peered back slightly to the front

2. Has one part for adjusting the saddle

Saddle plays a very important role in the transmission of power from the foot to the pedal. Therefore, the speed the ride indirectly affects the health of the individuals.

In some cases, to achieve high speed, people tend to cycle in the improper position which makes them lose strength faster.

Therefore, you should check out this factor when purchasing your own bike. Normally, this adjustment can be controlled by a lever or with the spiral. The easier adjustment you make, the right posture you can have during the riding process.

3. The width of your saddle

Played as one part which directly offers individuals the seat during riding. Therefore, saddle directly influences the driving sensations. To fulfill the purposes when riding, individuals should pick up the most suitable one to bring the comfortable sense.

There are some things you need to remember:

  • If you love to have high-speed racing, then pick up saddle with small dimension. For those who has their saddle’s bike made of hard leather material, it is better to reduce the area between the thighs while cycling. As a result, the bike is capable of producing good pedal force.
  • If you ride with the purpose of relaxing and reducing the stress, broad and soft is the best aspects when purchasing because they offer the most comfortable sitting position when riding
  • For mountain biking, the width should be moderate since overcome the hard terrains require individuals to put much effort.To illustrate, hard terrains require the small width while wide saddle will offer the comfortable feeling when riding after that.

Overall, choosing the saddle for your bicycle is not hard. Individuals just need to keep in mind some methods above for picking up the proper one. And don’t forget that your bike needs maintenance after using for such a long time to maintain the quality of different parts.

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