Best Balance Bike Reviews – Ultimate Buying Guide 2017

Small children often want to learn how to ride a two-wheel bike so they can go out and have fun with their friends. At the same time, they often feel scared about having to balance. The fear makes it more difficult for them to learn and, as a result, they end up missing out on some of the fun times they could have with their friends. With a balance bike, however, they are able to master the balance necessary for a two-wheel bike without having to be afraid of falling. That’s why this article is all about the best balance bike reviews we could find.

Reason Why You Should Own a Kids Balance Bike?

Biking as a toddler is always a development that aids the cognitive abilities in many better ways than any of the other regular activities, engaged by kids in their formative years. The very base of the physical and mental alertness in kids has been associated with Biking as one of the most prime activities that are intensely effective in cognitive development as a Toddler. It is hence always advised to make the kids more engaged in physical activities such as Biking for a continual and regulated growth in the early years of the children.

You do not need much of the worry if get the kids, the right things they need at the right time and the trend in the growing children has made biking one of the safest and efficient means for easy and managed care and physical alertness in toddlers. We intend to get you the best on information through Balance Bike Reviews with the latest models and an insight into understanding the best of features on Biking. We have listed the Best Balance Bike that has been launched in the recent times.
Now see a 3 years old and his Strider bike in the skate park, it’s so amazing:

Our Pick: Top 10 Best Balance Bike 2017 on the market

Although there are many balance bike on the market for your choices, but I recommend top 10 best balance bike 2017 with quality and brands:

Ten Things You Need To Consider When Buying Balance Bikes for Toddlers

  1. The Price
  2. Weight Of Balance Bike (Lightest Weight)
  3. Weight capacity of balance bike
  4. Safety Feature
  5. Adjustable Seats and Handlebars
  6. Tires
  7. Brakes
  8. Handle Bars
  9. Foot Rest
  10. Warranty

As for the retrospection of the facts that needs to be considered while you select a Balance Bike for your kids, there are few aspects that would make the process an easy task for you and the children alike. The main criterions that come into the picture while you select a Balance Bike for your Kids are the real aspects that get you the best of the assets in Balance Bikes.

The Price:

The first thing to consider when you’re looking to buy a balance bike is the price. Of course, you don’t want to buy anything that’s going to be too expensive, but the other factors are definitely going to be more important when you’re considering what’s best for your child. A lot of parents will make their decision on the basis of the price tag of the balance bike. If it is cheap, quality can be sacrificed, which means that it may not be as durable and comfortable.

Before you choose your bike, however, make sure that you look at the cost involved and understand whether you’re comfortable with the price required. There will be good bikes in every price range so don’t think you’ll have to settle just because of the cost.

Our Pick for Price

Weight of Balance Bike

Certainly, one of the prime factors that need to be addressed as the children have their own preferences in their abilities and interests in handling the Bike and it is also preferred to get the lightest for the kids. There are few of the Best Balance Bike out there that comes with lightest frames.

  • Schwinn Balance Bike: While you search for balance bikes the weight features matter as per the age of the kid; this bike is suitable for the age group of 3 to 6 with an average weight of 13.6 lbs.
  • Strider -12 Balance Bike: This is a better choice as it is a lightest weight balance bike with an average weight of 6.7 lbs in the category and suits the kids easily.
  • KAZAM Classic Balance Bike: It is again the preferred choice for those looking at style and durability and weighs approximately 11.2 lbs.
  • Go Glider Kids Balance Bike: The heaviest in the category with weight of 13.8 lbs; the bike provides excellent speed control and weight capacity.  

Weight Capacity of the bike

The denser, the better for the kids, as the density of the frame allows the kids to manage balance with ease and comfort as they learn the basics of cycling:

  • Schwinn Balance Bike: This is a neater option from one of the leading manufacturers with the very basic frame and tough features through the density of the material used in the basic frame. This bike can support maximum of 60 lbs weight
  • Strider – 12 Balance Bike: The classic version of the most successful balance cycle from Strider for the kids aged between 18 months and 5 years. The durable and tough design on this bike has made the quality of the bike to be ranked amongst the best in class for bikes for the age group. The rigid and dense frame is a class apart and can withhold an average weight of about 60 lbs.
  • KAZAM Classic Balance Bike: It is an unconventional and rigid cruiser model bike with contrasting features and redefined looks. It has the weight capacity up to 75 lbs. This bike is a fun theme for the kids and one amongst the best Balance Bikes that ensure the best experience for kids while they start off with the basics on Biking.
  • Go Glider Kids Balance Bike:This Bike is a step ahead for the selection of bikes for the kids aged between 3 Years and 5 Years. The Balance Bike with reinvented aspects is the better option for the kids to get the best on fun through biking activities. The denser material used in the frame ensures a durable and reliable source for the kids for a longer period with weight capacity up to 125 lbs which are maximum in this category.
Our Pick For Weight Capacity

 Safety Features

Many of the manufacturers have come up with innovative designs to meet the best safety requirements on the build of Bikes for the kids. Ensure you have an insight into the safety aspects as you select the bike for the kids. All the bikes are designed with standard safety features like handbrake, padded handlebar, and corrosion resistant body but, there are some unique features in each bike that set it apart from others as per different needs of kids.

  • Schwinn Balance Bike: The foot to floor design helps in an appropriate balancing and the parts are covered with quality covering materials that offer maximum protection in case child hits with the handle bar. Apart the mini saddle is fit for offering comfortable sitting.
  • Strider -12 Balance Bike: This bike is the lightest in the category and offers additional padding with a custom mini saddle. Along with this, you will find the mini grips that are the perfect fit for the toddlers and provide greater control and safety from the handlebar pads.
  • KAZAM Classic Balance Bike: The lightweight frame and the Handlebar are amongst the most refined assets on the bike that has been perfected for the finest comfort for the Kids. It is packed with all the safety features like handbrake, padded handlebar, and powder coated body.
  • Go Glider Kids Balance Bike:This is the good option for the toddlers as the slow speed design and mountain bike geometry helps in safer riding and better control. The removable foot pegs also support easy riding. Apart it comes with the handbrake for the additional safety purpose.

Adjustable Seats and Handlebar

Adjustable seats and handlebars are common on all Bikes, but the mechanism does give better aspects as compared to the fixed ones which have to be tediously adjusted with a spanner.

  • Schwinn Balance Bike: The bike has an excellent saddle and comes with adjustable seats.
  • Strider -12 Balance Bike: This is one of the best choices with easy grip mini saddle and adjustable seat. It is coming with standard size handle that is adjustable and padded with soft material for safety concerns. You will find adjustable handlebar and supportive handle grips that offer better control.
  • KAZAM Classic Balance Bike: This is an option for cost effective and features rich balance bikes with adjustable seat. The bike comes with adjustable handlebar and soft padding to prevent injuries.
  • Go Glider Kids Balance Bike: Needless to say this premium quality balance bike offers maximum features including adjustable seats. The adjustable handlebars help in managing the bike for custom requirements.
Our Pick For Adjustable Seats and Handlebar

As recently there are a few of the best balance bike that has made the fine selections for the kids in terms of quality. All of these are from the major brands which are amongst the best in the world for Bikes and relate accessories. There are some fascinating extra inputs from these manufacturers that have been directed for better reserve for the comfort and development in kids. Though, some of the  Balance Bikes for Toddlers in the recent markets are worth mentioning as they made it on the balance bike review for 2017.

Benefits of Balance Bikes for Toddlers

Several benefits exist for children who are able to practice on balance bikes rather than tricycles or only tricycles:

  • Improved Safety and builds confidence for kids.
  • Learn Basic Traffic Rules.
  • Improve Health with More Outdoor Experiences.
  • Learn Improved Balancing Skills before beginning with pedals.
  • Increase Exercise every day.
  • Learn to React Quickly to Different Situations.
  • Learn the Basics of Braking (Balance Bikes with Hand Brakes).

Besides the balance bike, you can choose a Best Power Wheels which need for outdoor activities of your children.

>> Check out Best Stroller Black Friday for Your Baby <<

Balance Bike’s Infographic


How to Choose the Best Balance Bike?

Choosing the best balance bike requires you to look at a variety of different aspects of balance bikes. This means looking at the sizing, quality, seats, adjustability and more.

1. Quality 

  • Check the frame of the bike. You want something made with high-quality materials like steel or aluminum alloy. Anything else will not be as sturdy and probably won’t hold up under normal use (especially if your child is a little rough on their toys).
  • A steel frame will hold more weight (if your older children want to use it) but they have the tendency to rust if you chip the paint and they could also be a lot heavier. On the other hand, aluminum bikes have a lower weight limit but are much easier to carry because they are very light if you need to carry them anywhere.
  • When you look at frames you’ll also see some that are made of wood and composite materials. Wood bikes will not have the ability to adjust the height which makes them less of a benefit to you or your child.
  • On the other hand, composite bikes can be just as sturdy as a steel or aluminum bike but otherwise combine the best of each version. They have the high weight capacity of steel with the lightweight frame of aluminum bikes.

2. Seat Height

  • How tall your bike starts and how tall it can be is extremely important because you want your child to be able to use it immediately and you want them to continue using it for a long time. The height should be easily adjustable as well because no one wants to spend an hour adjusting the seat while your child is looking to ride. After all, children tend to have short attention spans, right? Plus no one wants to be fighting with complex bolts.

3. Weight Capacity

  • Depending on how old your child is they may need a higher weight limit on their bike. Consider how much weight you want the bike to hold based on the ages and size of the children that are going to be using it. Don’t go over the limit because your child could end up hurt if the bike is not intended for their weight.
  • Another aspect to look at is how much the bike itself weighs. You want it to be easy for your child to carry if need be, which means about 30% or less of their weight. Sure you can carry the bike for them but it’s easier if they have the ability.

4. Tires

There are a variety of different tire types for balance bike reviews. They vary based on what they are made of and also the type of tread. The best types of tires are generally extra-cushioned air, standard air, rubber honeycomb or EVA foam.

On the other hand, some bikes come with a solid rubber or hard plastic tire. There are some benefits to each of these tire types which should be considered.

  • Foam tires are light and resistant to puncture without traction and with very little cushion for your child. On the other hand foam tires can be good for very small children, if they have a paved area to ride, but aren’t as good for other areas because they don’t have a cushion if your child hits an obstacle or a bump.
  • Solid rubber tires don’t puncture and they have great traction, which makes them a decent choice but without a lot of cushions.
  • Honeycomb tires will provide traction and are also resistant to punctures.
  • Extra-cushioned air tires will provide a lot of cushions and help your child enjoy their ride more but they don’t have a lot of traction if you go over a rocky area.
  • Standard air tires could deflate if you’re not careful because they are not resistant to puncture. They do have a better cushion, however, which is good for most children and are closer to the traditional two-wheel bike tires.
  • Hard plastic tires are generally not good for these bikes because they don’t work well on less smooth surfaces and will start to wear out if used on paved surfaces.

5. Brakes

  • Not all balance bikes will actually have brakes on them but if you’re looking for an extra stop mechanism for your child it can be a good idea. For very small children it can be difficult to use traditional bike brakes, but as your child gets closer to ready for a two-wheel bike this will help them to get used to the traditional bike they will be using. This allows them to develop a better way to stop than putting their feet down (without taking away that ability).

6. Footrest

  • Not every balance bike is going to have true footrests but this is a great aspect if you want your child to have a place to actually put their feet instead of just picking them up. The footrest will have an anti-slip grip on it to help your child rest their feet and not be too concerned about accidentally dropping their feet to the ground.
  • Some footrests will be below the seat on either side of the frame while have a larger base in front of the seat to put both feet on together. These will depend on your child’s preference and what is easier for them.

7. Handlebars

  • Look for handlebars that are easy to grip. They should have some type of rough aspect to help your child hold them and not slide their hands off the sides. Many of these bikes will have a larger end so your child’s hands stay on the bar.
  • A slightly knobby texture is going to protect them in many ways and will improve their ability to keep riding longer. This is great especially for small children who don’t have as easy of a time trying to grip.

8. Warranty 

  • Look for a good warranty on your bike to be sure that, if it doesn’t work for your child or if something breaks, you can return it quickly and get a new one. A warranty is generally going to be good if it lasts at least a couple years. Chances are your child won’t use it any longer than that but if you’re interested in more than one child using it you might want a longer span of time to use the bike under warranty.

Considerations on Using a Balance Bike

  • You should read carefully balance bike reviews before using for your child.
  • Your child should be able to walk before riding this bike.
  • If your child has already mastered a tricycle or never ridden any type of bike before they can use this.
  • Make sure your child is tall enough for one of these bikes before you choose one.
  • Pay attention to the weight limits as they are different for different bikes.
  • Look for comfortable seats as your child will likely spend a lot of time sitting on it as they master the bike.
  • Consider a bike with hand brakes as this is traditional for two-wheel bikes and makes the transition simpler.

How to maintain your Balance Bike

If you have a balance bike you need to make sure that you take care of it properly. After all, bikes require a lot of maintenance.

  • The first thing to do is properly inflate the tires (if you choose a bike with air-filled tires). Check the tires every week to make sure they aren’t deflating and then make sure that you fill them immediately. Underinflated tires can be dangerous to you and your bike.
  • Make sure that you check the bearings, wheels, pedals, brackets and steering mechanisms for any rust or problems. You want to make sure you lube all of these pieces whenever there seems to be any buildup of rust, or they start to squeak. When you lube them, make sure that you only use a thin coat of a light lubricant so you can keep out dirt.
  • Your bike should always be kept clean. That means if it gets dirty or dusty you want to wipe it down with a damp cloth and make sure it gets dried off. Leaving too much water can be dangerous because you end up with rust. You can actually use furniture polish to clean your bike because it’s non-abrasive.
  • Store your bike indoors so that it is out of the weather. Too much heat, cold, water and more can result in damage to your bike. Any bike, no matter what it’s made of, will start to rust and wear out when it is left outside too long.


Hopefully, these balance bike reviews will help you figure out the best bike for your child. It’s a way to make sure that your child can balance well long before they start riding a two-wheel bike. So whether you’ve tried the tricycle and are now looking for something different or you’re looking to skip over tricycles entirely, these balance bikes are a great way to go. Your child will really enjoy them and you’re going to love how much easier it is to teach your child what they need to do. Wish you have the best balance bike for your toddler with good price!


  1. it’s really nice to read your post. it’s really very helpful and informative. Every parent has to read this post. BTW thanks for sharing such this kind of post.

  2. Great article and a lot of helpful information! You are missing one important Balance Bike that I have found to be the smallest on the market and with its wide tires it works amazing! The TootScoot II is a remarkable product. Amazing quality and a unique design. You should definitely reach out and get one and do a review on it! Just saying!

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